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Offerte turistiche, attività, escursioni Krapinske Toplice

Una vasta gamma di offerte turistiche per Turismo Salute Krapinske Toplice, Turismo Attivo Krapinske Toplice, Turismo Cultura Krapinske Toplice E per Gastronomia Krapinske Toplice, Vita notturna Krapinske Toplice, Trasferimenti Krapinske Toplice.

Offerta speciale di escursioni e attività a prezzi interessanti!

Approfitta di alcune delle escursioni e attività che offriamo e completare la vostra vacanza in Krapinske Toplice

Se si viaggia da soli o con qualcuno, se si sta assumendo i bambini con voi o meno, nella nostra offerta di attività, escursioni e altre offerte turistiche in Krapinske Toplice Troverete sicuramente l'offerta che fa per voi!

Krapinske Toplice is a tourist centre famous for its thermal-mineral water springs, which constitute the basis of development of tourism. The thermal spa dates back to Roman times (Aquae Vivae). Construction of the sanatorium started in 1772, when it also received its first guests (spa Dubrava) and in 1808 another spa was built, Rukavina. Upon the purchase of the entire complex, in 1862 Jakob Badel started to build several spas - Jakobova, Marijina and Pucka, as well as a hotel, a restaurant and a sanatorium building. He also had the park landscaped. Construction works within the spa continued not earlier than 1956, when the hospital department for treatment of rheumatic diseases and orthopaedic rehabilitation was opened. The water temperature is 39 °C to 41 °C, with a daily capacity of 5,600 hl. The water is radioactive and extremely rich in calcium, magnesium and hydro-carbonates. Both water and medicinal mud are used for treatment of rheumatism, gout, sciatica, muscular troubles, chronic...


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